Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Saint Edmundsbury Cathedral

At the heart of Christian worship since Saxon times, evidence of previous churches is visible. The elegant English perpendicular 16thC nave of St James survived its patron, the once great, now ruined, Abbey of St Edmund, to become the Cathedral of Suffolk in 1914. It was skilfully extended with quire and crossing in the 1960s and a magnificent gothic-style Lantern Tower, Transept and Apostles' Chapel, will complete the cathedral to mark the millennium, are under construction. Excellent restaurant and shop.

  • Currently: Clear sky, 7° C
  • Saturday: Sunny, 13° C
  • Sunday: Sunny, 15° C